Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I don't know what to do with this blog!

Okay, friends, here's the deal:

My blog is going through an identity crisis. I love the idea of having a blog. I love writing. I love talking about myself (and clearly I'm not afraid to admit it!) But I seriously have NO idea what to do with this blog. I've seen food blogs, weight loss blogs, travel blogs, crafting blogs, book blogs, dog blogs, dating blogs...and the list goes on. I think there's probably a blog out there somewhere on any topic someone could dream up. Maybe I don't need a focus. Maybe I can just ramble (kind of like I am now) whenever I feel like. I don't know. One thing I do know is that I need a new name for this thing. I don't know what to call it, but it needs to reflect me and what I'm passionate about. Problem is, I'm passionate about quite a bit: politics, history, speech, teaching, crafting, my job(s), exercising, good food, good coffee, good wine, books, music...I could go on. Now you understand my frustration. As I said, I LOVE to write, and a blog seems like a great way to exercise and use my writing skills (as if I don't enough at work - did you know I'm writing a book??) I just...don't know what to write about or focus on. Okay, enough of this. If anyone has any suggestions about a title or where this thing could go, that would be great! Otherwise, I'll continue to write about random things...

1 comment:

  1. Em,

    I went through the exact same thing! I recently changed my blog name to be more all-encompassing and I love it. It kind of came to me one day and then I talked through it with others.

    You want your blog to reflect YOU. Don't pick a name that "niches" you right away. Think about yourself as a whole and then go from there. Here is the link to my about me page to see where my inspiration comes from - http://coffeeandmacarons.wordpress.com/about/

    Good luck!
