Saturday, March 3, 2012

Even the Best Laid Plans Don't Always Work Out

I figured it was about time to update the blogosphere again on my quest to lose weight and get back in shape. Remember those last two goals I set? To work out 30 minutes, 4 days a week? And to drink only 3 12-ounce sodas per week? Yeah...those didn't work out so well. And here's why:

I DIDN'T WRITE ANYTHING DOWN. Please metaphorically slap me now.

I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking in not documenting my progress, but I also realize now that clearly I was not ready to set those goals because I failed to hold myself accountable. But, it's time to try again. And I figured I'll try a different way to hit the exercise goal this time. I joined a community goal on the Weight Watchers website to bike/run/walk 40 miles during the month of March, which comes out to about 1.3 miles per day. And this time, I will absolutely document it! I also joined a goal to be in a single-digit clothing size by May 5. I'm not entirely sure how realistic that is, but I figure if it's in my head, I might actually make progress toward that goal. I will say that I would love to be in a single-digit size by the summer. I don't remember the last time I bought anything in a single-digit size...

The soda goal remains this same, but again, I will actually document it this time - starting tomorrow.

You may think that nothing will change this time around, but I can tell you right now that I took the time to make some other changes this weekend that will hopefully give me a push. I've been meaning to get my hair cut and styled for a long time now, and I got a rather expensive last night. I have bangs again (I had them in high school), and the stylist actually demonstrated how to style my curly hair so that it's soft and can move (as opposed to crunchy and stiff). Though I straightened my hair today to see what my (slightly) new cut looks like straight, I am most definitely wearing my hair curly to work tomorrow. Hopefully that new look will motivate me on the weight loss business.

I also discovered the magic of facial masks today. An old colleague of mine sells natural facial care products and gave me a sample of a facial mask, and while that particular product is not quite right for my skin type (of course, I researched it!), I plan to purchase one this week that is correct for my skin type. If you know me well, you know that I've had problems with super oily skin and acne since I was probably 13. It's totally obnoxious, and I figure that if I can get my skin to look better, I will be more motivated to get other parts of me looking better, too!

Finally, I took a pair of jeans that I bought about a month ago that had been hiding in my drawer because they were a little too long over to my grandma's house tonight so she could hem them. They are really cute jeans, and they fit right now, so I'm excited to wear them! I also bought some great plaid deck shoes last night for the spring and summer. So hopefully some wardrobe changes will motivate me as well.

I read an article in the newspaper that said that if you're in a funk, either mentally or physically, or both, all you really need to do is get moving. Exercise your mind and your body. Do something you've been meaning to do that will benefit your physical and mental health. So hopefully I jump-started that process this weekend. Even if I don't meet all of those goals, I will have something to work toward. Furthermore, the article stated that you'll feel better, even if you only think you are making progress.

More to come...probably in another month...


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