Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hard work, Hope, and Hard-boiled eggs

Perhaps the attempt at a funny and creative title is a bit lame. I should get points for the awesome alliteration, though. Because I decided to jump back on the work out wagon tonight, I decided I would also do an update on the weight loss process. It's slow-going, which is to be expected. I have lost a grand total of...four pounds! (Cue fanfare). But seriously, that's an accomplishment. I'm back to the weight I was over the summer, which is a good place to start. (I should also point out that I'm currently about 20 pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest point ever, so the fact that I've kept that off is also pretty awesome).

Enough about what the scale says. I have to say that I'm feeling pretty good, but like everyone in today's world, I would like instant gratification. Obviously, that's not possible with a weight loss goal. So instead, I'm choosing to focus on the progress I have made. I can tell you that I'm already much better at eating. That sounds weird, but if you've ever tried to watch what you eat and control your portion size, you know what I mean. I mean that I actively seek foods that I know will keep me full. I also stop eating when I'm no longer hungry, for the most part. That last one I'm still working on. I'm also taking control of my relationship with food. In college, I was a huge stress eater. If something went wrong at school or at a forensics tournament, I would comfort myself by eating. I know, bad idea. I honestly don't remember when I lost control of my relationship with food, but it feels really good to be regaining control. Now, I channel my frustration/anger/fear/sadness into crafting, exercising, or working on my capstone in attempt to publish it. I've also taken control of my tendency to eat when I'm bored. If I'm watching tv and am tempted to grab a snack (even though I know I'm not hungry), I will knit, craft, play a game on my nook, or go on the computer. It's weird...because I know logically how to lose weight. It makes perfect sense to me. But it's one of those things that is easier said than done if you're someone that struggles with weight. I used to be really jealous of people that don't bear this particular cross, but I've come to realize that all things considered, this cross isn't that bad. Additionally, it makes me a much stronger person (with a whole lot of will power) to have to bear it. (I will quickly explain the cross metaphor. The priest at my church once said during a homily that everyone has a cross to bear. Jesus' cross was of course literal, but most of us have a challenge we deal with throughout our lives, whatever it may be).

The number one thing I have taken away from this adventure so far is to keep going. Even though eating hard-boiled eggs (and I've been eating a lot of them!) will become monotonous eventually, it will all be worth it. I will also tell you (whoever you are) that I've become much more confident with my clothing choices since starting this journey as well. I just purchased a fabulous burnt orange crocheted sweater that I would have never worn before I started this process. For those curious, the sweater makes its debut this weekend in...Eau Claire! I'm going there with a friend to take her friend out for her 21st birthday!

Now that I've make some good progress in controlling my weight and my relationship with food, I've decided it's time to make more changes. My primary goal is to get back on the work out wagon. You have to know that I love exercising in the summer - when I can play tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, and walk outside. The winter is quite a bit more difficult for me. I quickly get bored with running on the treadmill, and I refuse to buy a gym membership because I'm still so sporadic with my workout routines. I fear that I would never use it. I'm thinking that if I can make it through February and most of March, the weather will be good enough to bring out the bicycle. Right now, I'm only shooting for 30 minutes 4 days per week. Compared to my sporadic 30 minutes once or twice a week, if that, I'd say that's a decent goal.

A secondary goal, and one I've made many times before, is to cut down on soda. I drink diet soda, which I know is no better for me than the regular kind. The biggest problem I have with cutting out soda is that I'm totally, absolutely addicted to caffeine. I know that I could drink coffee, but I have to throw a bunch of creamer and sugar in it to make it taste good, which of course raises the fat and calories. I do, however, love tea, so I'm hoping I can get to a point eventually where I can only drink black or green tea to satisfy my caffeine addiction. For now, I'm taking a page from my own after school programming about setting SMART goals, and cutting down to three 12-ounce sodas per week. Compared to my seven per week that I currently drink, that will be a big improvement.

I think that's all for right now. If you read it, thanks for reading! If not, at least I can document my progress and broadcast my goals to the interwebs, which will hopefully keep me accountable. To end, a quotation...

"Vision is not enough, it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs."

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