Saturday, May 21, 2011

That's all she wrote...

I realized today that I hadn't posted in a while, and I figured there's probably not a more perfect day than graduation day to update! Yes, that's right, after 5 long years, I finally graduated from UW-Eau Claire! (cue fanfare). It was a truly magical experience to be surrounded by my classmates (many of whom I don't even know) and embark together on our next big adventure! My 5 years at UW-Eau Claire went by so quickly in retrospect, and in all honesty, I don't think I have any regrets. First of all, I don't believe in regrets because at one point, everything I did was exactly what I wanted. I will also say that if you don't know, I was very, very studious throughout all of my college career. And while maybe that took some time away from my social life, I know I would not have been satisfied with myself if I hadn't taken my coursework so seriously. Still, it's hard to believe it's over. I had some wonderful experiences at UW-Eau Claire-experiences that changed my life for the better. I met the most amazing people (friends, classmates, and professors) that had such great influence on me and that I will surely keep in touch with for years to come.

Today, I'm feeling a whole mess of emotions: happiness, sadness, anxiety, a feeling of triumph, and relief. But mostly, I'm feeling blessed. Blessed to have been a part of an excellent university, blessed to have had the support I received from my family, teammates, coaches, friends, and professors, blessed to have had the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree. College is an experience that cannot be replaced by anything else and to have had the opportunity to learn and grow as much as I did makes me feel truly blessed.

One of my good friends who is wise beyond her years (but also 10 years older than me) told me I should document my hopes, dreams, and fears as I close the college chapter and start a new chapter. In the broad scheme of things, I really only desire two things: satisfaction and purpose. It's pretty simple. In whatever I choose to do in the coming years, I want to be satisfied with it and enjoy it. I also want to do something that has a grander purpose than just making me happy, however. In my chosen line of work, I think I will find immense helpings of both of those.

On a more practical note, I'm dreaming of museum work, or any work in history really, graduate school, marriage, children, a doctorate, and a teaching job at a university similar in size and mission to UW-Eau Claire. As usual, my biggest fear is the fear of failure and disappointing others, especially those who put time and effort into shaping me into the historian and person I am today. I don't know that I will ever overcome either of those fears, but I do know that my time at UW-Eau Claire has taught me to push them aside and replace them with taking risks.

For the summer, I'm heading home to Wausau to work for corporation counsel at the courthouse. It's a temporary, part-time position, but it will work for now. I also just learned about a position opening up at a historical research and consulting firm in Maryland, so I will definitely be applying for that. I also plan to do some projects with the Marathon County Historical Society, visit friends, read for pleasure, get back in shape, and spend some time with my family.

I have no idea where life will take me in the coming years, but I believe that everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

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