Monday, March 21, 2011

What I've Learned

A while back, and by that mean in high school, I read something called "What I've Learned." It inspired me to write, but at the time I didn't think I was wise enough (or mature enough, really) to write something similar. I guess five years makes all the difference? Not really, but I decided that in my final semester of college (gasp!) I would put pen to paper, or key to computer screen, and attempt to write what I've learned in my twenty-three years of life. So here goes...

1) I've learned that there is such a thing as pushing too hard. Like 38 Special said, it's better to hold on loosely.

2) I've learned that time changes people, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. However, I've also learned that it's not my position to judge that.

3) I've learned that everyone has insecurities. It's how you handle them that makes all the difference.

4) I've learned that I would rather be amazing at one thing than average at many things.

5) I've learned that I don't have to be perfect at everything. I've also learned that achieving perfection is impossible.

5) I've learned that it's not worth it to change yourself for others.

6) I've learned that others can't love you if you don't love yourself.

7) I've learned that good things to happen to good people, given time.

8) I've learned that being on top isn't all it's cracked up to be.

9) I've learned that you can't force love. You have to let it grow naturally.

10) I've learned that stress can be good because it provides perspective.

11) I've learned that stress can be bad if you don't know how to handle it.

12) I've learned that friendship doesn't mean talking every day. It means still feeling a connection to someone you haven't spoken with in two months, and picking up right where you left off.

13) I've learned that people come into your life for a reason and leave when they have served their purpose.

14) I've learned that sometimes, you have to rely on yourself.

15) I've learned that it's important to pick your battles.

16) I've learned that sometimes you have to make things happen, and that sometimes you have to let things happen.

17) I've learned that my parents are usually right.

18) I've learned that some conflict is healthy.

19) I've learned that writing can ease pain, heal hurt, and cure loneliness.

20) I've learned that if I don't give everything I have, I will be unsatisfied when I reach the end.

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