Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Taking that first step...

If you read this blog, you know from my last post that one of my goals for the new year is to continue to work out and get back in shape. I don't think I mentioned that the other part of that goal is to lose weight. If you know me very well, you know that I am considered overweight (according to my BMI - yes, not the most accurate measurement, but it works). Of course, I'm not grossly overweight, and have never been considered obese, though at one point in college I was very close. So, what sparks my desire to lose weight? Well, honestly, it's something I've struggled with my entire life, and at various points in my life, I've done the roller coaster dieting. It's usually worked for a little while. In fact, the summer after my junior year of college, I lost 10 pounds with the old-fashioned "calorie-counting, exercising method." This summer, I dropped another 8 with that same method, and it felt great. However, within the past month, I noticed the numbers on the scale creeping back up again. I also noticed a pattern. Summer means warm weather, an easy time working out, and fresh fruits and veggies to eat in abundance. Winter means cold, nasty weather, boring treadmill work outs, and less motivation to eat yummy fruits and veggies. So, I'm trying to break that pattern. I am also trying to break the old "diet for a day" routine I've done since high school. Usually I look at the scale, respond with the appropriate profanities, and promise myself that "it will be different this time." And, go figure, it's never different.

Which, along with a commercial for Weight Watchers, brought me to tonight. I should also point out that one of my best friends is getting married this summer, and I'm in the wedding. There couldn't be a better time to take control and face my challenges. So, I joined Weight Watchers online. I know many people who have had success, so I decided to give it a shot. I'm not trying to lose some enormous amount of weight. I've set my goal of 15 pounds, which I think is entirely reasonable and will put me in that normal range on the BMI scale. I should also point out that I have three pairs of jeans waiting to be worn. I wore them in high school, but only for about year. Wouldn't it be great to say that I could wear jeans I wore when I was 16? The answer is yes. Clearly, I've also decided to make my goal public, hoping that it will help motivate me to stick with it. So here we go, blogosphere...

I'm thinking that since this blog hasn't been that history related anyway, I will keep you updated on my journey to change my lifestyle.

A side note: I just realized I never explained the title of this blog. It's actually a quotation said by the lovely old chap, Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was a British businessman who "founded" Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). I chose it as the title of my supposed history blog because it's such a powerful quotation. At the time, Europe was busy dividing up Africa to its liking, and in my opinion, Rhodes was a pretty greedy guy. I think to me it represents the power of one person and the power of ambition and setting goals.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

That it is. For me, Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. It's a time to be with family and friends, celebrate the birth of Christ, give gifts, and count my blessings. I'm not going to lie, though, I AM looking forward to having a week away from the office!

Christmas also always lends itself well to reflecting on the previous year. Since my family does not send a Christmas letter, I thought I would spend some time reflecting here.

My year was filled with many wonderful times and blessings, including:

-Graduating in May from UW-Eau Claire!
-Actually finding a job (albeit part-time) right out of the gate
-Spending time with family and friends over the summer
-A fabulous weekend vacation to Door County with a very good college friend
-Working for AmeriCorps and getting to know some amazing colleagues (who are now friends) and students
-Celebrating my brother's wedding in October! I couldn't be happier for my brother and sister-in-law and couldn't have received a better sister, either :)
-Being asked to be in a good friend's wedding. We have known each other since first grade, but didn't become close until high school. We lived together in college as well. I couldn't be more honored and happier for her! Though the wedding isn't until June of 2012, I'm including it in the highlights from this year!
-Receiving an award for having a very well-written history capstone. That was exciting for me. Call me a nerd if you must.

Though my year was clearly filled with many great experiences and blessings, it was also filled with some sad times, too. I lost an uncle and a great uncle this year, which was hard for me and my family.

As I reflect on this year and look forward to the new year, I have some resolutions.

-Continue to try working out and getting back in shape
-Exercising patience when I become frustrated or annoyed
-I would love to find a more permanent job that I could stay at for a few years...then go to graduate school!
-Work on publishing my history capstone...we'll see.

That seems like a pretty decent list. I'm really looking forward to Christmas and to the new year to see what it brings! I wish you all a joyous, Merry, and blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!